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National Mission on Agricultural Extension and Technology (NMAET)

The National Mission on Agricultural Extension and Technology (NMAET) which encompasses extension, Information Communication Technology (ICT), Seeds, Agricultural Mechanization and Plant Protection aims to restructure & strengthen agricultural extension to enable delivery of appropriate technology and improved agronomic practices to the farmers through interactive methods of information dissemination, use of ICT, capacity building & institution strengthening; to improve reach of farm mechanization to small and marginal farmers by various means including promotion of custom hiring centers; to make available quality seeds and increase Seed Replacement Ratio and to promote Integrated Pest Management and plant protection measures.

Methods of Implementation:

Most components of the Mission are implemented through State Governments. However, some regulatory and administrative components like pesticide registration & quarantine regulation; national institutes, Mass Media, Kisan Call Centre & SMS Portal are implemented centrally. Farmers centric extension activities under various Sub-Missions & other Schemes/Programmes are being converged at the level of Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA).

Current status of the Mission:

Guidelines of various Sub-Missions of NMAET have been issued. Administrative Approval for implementation of the Mission has been issued. Based on the budget provided for NMAET, State-wise allocations have been made in respect of the Centrally sponsored components of the Mission and work on the ground has commenced with effect from April 01,2014 based on Annual Action Plans received from various States/Union Territories.

The Mission will help farmers through integrated approach as various technological components of NMAET viz. seeds, machinery, plant protection are inextricably linked to each other at the field level and these are disseminated among the farmers and other stakeholders through a strong extension network. Besides interactive & direct extension by dedicated personnel and dovetailing manpower support with other programmes, extensive use of ICT is also being promoted in various areas including Short Messaging Service (SMSs), Farmers’ Portal & other web based applications to disseminate timely & relevant information and appropriate technologies.

Public-Private-Partnership is encouraged in the Extension and Training components of the Mission. Genuine and reputed Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), para-extension workers, Farmers Organizations etc. are encouraged to participate and provide extension and training services and guidance to farmers to improve agricultural production and productivity. Besides this input dealers and-agripreneurs are also trained to give advisories to the farmers.

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