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On this page you can ask your queries directly as comment , i will try to reply back as soon as possible


  1. Plz suggest:- I have to go to office 5 days a week n i have a dream to become a civil servant.Problem is we have to cover so much of material n same time have to reproduce them.How to manage such a huge info..n same time frame your own views as well ...plz say something...

  2. @abhimanyu , if u r giving mains this year take leave else it will not be possible to prepare well engh , if not giving then try to read limited but quality material and read them thoroughly .....good luck :)

  3. nice work ...hey can u also..tell me where to look for science n tech them if u have...

  4. I posted few far as source is concerned...its very dicey, i am not sure where to refer......but do complete thoroughly notes of any famous coaching and if you still have time do read one good magazine

  5. sir what is a strategy would you suggest for tackling G.S for IAS mains this year

  6. For conventional stop reading anything new and consolidate on what ever u have read ,current affairs u need to keep watch on material coming in market in sept end . and since current affairs materials are quite vast u need to complete every other thing by then so that u can give time for it . in oct for rest of the thing only revisionss shld be done.

  7. hello sir..i currently reside in optionals are public administration and kannada literature..i have given pt twice,but not this time in third attempt i want to my best try..
    i m unable to go delhi for classes due to some personal constraints...i want to do with manis stuff till december....sir please help me how to go abt and what materials to go through for pub adm(the right strategy).. i m a bit confused right now as to how to make a choice even though i have got all materials from my friends in delhi..plz help

  8. @namratha since u appeared for prelims twice , u mut have quite good knowledge of general studies and i assume also of ur optionals .....

    For pub-ad I always adhered to books and believed in them rather than coaching materials . Read prasad and prasad and mohit bhattacharya thoroughly for 1st , and rajni goyal for 2nd paper . For topics not given in these books u can refer any third book or good coaching materials....

    one more thing ,focus on understanding rather than mugging ...

  9. Sir,I am Second Year Student of Engineering course of 4 years.I wil Complete my S.E. Exam In May 2012.And Nearly in August 2012 my result Will be declared...According To rule i could give the exam of my age will be 21 years...If i may got selected for Mains,Can i give the exam of Mains.?I have doubt because My degree will not be the time of mains...and its necessary to show degree certificate at the time of mains exams...but in special cases they allow to sit for mains...Can you Anylise the rules regarding this? or is it to give any affidevit for it to seat for main? And What will be the limit of time to be filled in affidevit to seat for mains ?

  10. Since u r in 2nd year u can't give exam in 2012 . And don't play with UPSC rules , in one earlier case UPSC have banned one such student from all UPSC exams in future. U can appear in exam in final year of ur course and certainly not before that .

  11. Sir,
    My name is ashish Roy. I have a question that I have passed my 12th in 2004, but I have a 6 yr gap between 12th and till my graduation..can I beat the upsc exam.if yes then how much the total cost is required for the exam.i will not ask the duration because it is totally depend on me.i just want to know that how to eliminate this gap period and the total cost for this exam..
    Plz reply as soon as possible sir..
    Ashish Roy
    Upsc Aspirant

  12. Please provide complete information , why so much gap ??? As far as cost required . it depends on where u planning to stay and wether u planning to take coaching classes or not . Revert back with full information then only i will be able to answer u

  13. Sir,
    Which institution in Delhi is good for G.S., Public Administration and Anthropology? Can you give names? What about ALS?

  14. Sorry chakripcv i cant give out names here....

  15. Sir,

    Please inform me through mail. My mail id is

    I do not know which institution is better. Already I got bitter experience which led me to discouragement (I joined a local institution). That is why I am asking you. Help me regarding this. Thank you.

  16. Sir,
    Why don't you share your preparation method? please give me link if it is shared elsewhere. How do you study? It means for example, one hour book reading and writing what you have learnt such that. Thank you.

  17. I will share after some time little busy..

  18. sir pls guide on csta ,,, last year i written mains, however this year coulnt clear prelims coz of csat ,,, pls guide

  19. Practice as much as u can...try to increase speed and accuracy

  20. hi sir
    i am a dental surgeon by profssion and have quit my job to come to dehi to prepaere.
    although i havent jined any batches yet(all start around october)i have heard the name of vajiram through many poeple suggesting it as a good coaching centre
    my question sir is
    1 does coaching (vajiram in particular) help in any appreciable way as the cost of coaching and living in delhi is considerably high
    2 what books would you suggest for gs to one who has just started prep
    3lastly , while looking for accomodation what factors should i keep in mind?

  21. @Birbal
    1)Any coaching just provide guidelines and help in completing you syllabus in time bounded manner and if one is very much focused and knows exactly what he has to study , he may not need coaching
    2) Start from NCERT books for geography and history and daily newspaper , I will soon provide a whole list of book on this blog as of now refer
    3) Three things :affordability , proximity to coaching centers and where you can get like minded people preparing for exam

  22. please give extract of administrative reforms commission 2nd, recommendation, i couldn't get it anywhere, and if possible provisional data of census 2011.. thank you

  23. I dont have any such link...but some publications do give out extract in book forms, if u r in delhi u can get it in rajinder nagar and bersarai not sure of mukhrejee nagar .
    For census there was one Yojana magazine dedicated to it , try to get it else u can refer to

  24. Sir, i am M.Sc in Biotechnology....this year i have cleared SSC in my 1st attempt....not sure about joining time....I want to prepare for CS 2012. My 1st optional is Chemistry as i am teaching this subject so quite comfortable....

    But i have some doubts..
    1. what should be 2nd optional wrt to less syllabus, good scoring and notes easily available??
    2. I am from a very small town in please guide me how to handle GS?? For CS 2012...when and from where should i collect notes??
    3. I am not interested in any coaching till my how it would be if i join coaching for only 2nd optional in btw PRE and mains??

  25. I would have liked if u had written ur name..anyway
    1)public ad is will be useful even if upsc removes optional subject
    2)read daily newspaper and regarding notes for conventional u can get materials from bersarai near IIT rt now ,for current affairs take it in march for prelims
    3)I will not suggest taking coaching between mains ans pre..better if u dont have time before go for self study at that time ..atleast pub ad can be done by self study

  26. Thanks a lot sir for ur advice

    I am Mukesh....

    1) For Pub ad how to start preparation. Will u guide me about study material and strategy??

    2)For GS...i could not understand exactly...notes of which institute and what topic??

  27. @Mukesh
    1) for pub ad start from first paper with fadia and first few chapters to get basics of pub ad , then read prasad and prasad for administrative thinkers along with mohit bhattacharya...last two books need to be completed fully
    2)for GS take full notes of either vajiram or sriram

  28. is socio a wise take for new entrant in the field of civil servies.?? i plan to give cse 12, is socio good optional keeping in mind the fact that upsc may scrap optionals...?? is awasthi maheshwari nt required for pub adm when we complete prasad n prasad n mohit....??

  29. i m reading polity from d d basu. it is very hard to i read laxmikant , will laxmikant be sufficient for mains exam...??

  30. @prakash
    i did not read awasthi maheshwari , so i don't think its compulsory...socio is good combo with pubad and helps in writing essay.....
    dd basu is indeed very tough and i don't recommend it as primary book ,at max u can keep it as reference book...laxmikant is good engh as per my view...

  31. Sir I have been following your blog since quite a time now. I would like you to please include some suggestions for the very beginners, so that we utilize most of our time in preparing rather than planning.
    I have just started preparing for the exam, target is CSE 2012, have joined Vajiram for GS and Pub Ad.
    - Should we give equal time to GS, 2 optionals and CSAT from the first day itself or concentrte more on pre as its the necessary evil
    - what should be the right approach for CSAT
    - if possible, a rough daily plan need to be followed
    - how much time should be given to pre only b4 the the exam
    thank you for your time

  32. @neha
    1)I will suggest you to start wholeheartedly for prelims january onwards .. till then divide time euqally for optionals and gs ....
    2)For CSAT pratice is the key for success ... try increasing speed as well as accuracy ...
    3)daily plan needs to be planned according to ur own priority..there cannot be one best way ...
    4) atleast 3 months is needed dedicated only to prelims if its ur first attempt....

  33. Thank you Sir, 1 more thing i would like to know is
    - what is strategic difference btw preparing for pre and mains? In the coaching also emphasis mainly on the mains part.... is preparing from the mains prospective good enough for the pre or it needs some special treatment

  34. Seeing the current trend the almost same type of knowledge is required for prelims as well as main, But since the pattern of paper is diff one have to treat differently the study material...
    Each and every thing you study for mains will be helpful in prelims , but for prelims one have to expand his horizon and try to cover as much as possible....
    One more thing since prelims is objective type ,it is easy to reproduce even if u have read something once or twice and hence easier to cover more thing......but for mains exam one have to read it again and again and hence coverage may not be that vast

  35. Thanks a lot Sir, good luck for the exams ahead.

  36. hello sir, im new to dis blog... just read out our articles.. thank u for helping aspirants with ur notes. are u still undergo ur training still, how are u managing time for studying sir?? i have given a attempt dis yr but cud not qualify, preparing for 2012.. cud u pls help me in strategy for GS preparation. im finding it tough to cope up with. thank u sir in advance

  37. @meghna....
    for GS preparation first complete conventional areas such as history geography polity etc..and then when time come for current affairs...I have given a list of reading material ,this is minimum required.....Syllabus of GS is very vast so irrespective of how well u prepare u will feel crunch of time...but the right attitude is to keep your moral high and study wht u can can go through

  38. sir are you undergoing training? how's ur expreience so far? i am also an aspirant and want to join IPS only.. i am doctor and took zoology and anthropolgy as my optionals.
    i am having little difficulty in making notes for GS .for what things i should makes notes, current affairs???

  39. Sir please name any one or two reference books for CSAT, which could be used for daily practice.

    Thank you

  40. @omiomi yes u have to make notes for current affairs ..
    @neha i dont have much idea of practice books for CSAT

  41. Sir I wrote mains this year and so far the performance has been very optionals are geograohy n psychology...last year failed in prelims, this is my 2nd attempt and unfortunately due to age constraints I have just one more attempt left.
    I feel as if I am not able to memorise the things...moreover need to improve my writting skills..plz suggest some strategy for improving the writting...Also I wl b away from delhi due to job, so want to join a postal test series for mains...Can u suggest a few? Thx

  42. Hello Sir,

    I came to know that you had another optional as Physics. Can you please put up a strategy or tips for the physics as well ? It would be of very much help for me. What was your score last year ?


  43. @vishal to improve writing skill write answer and think after writing wht u missed and wht extra could be added and if possible get it checked by your peers and take their feedback...reagrding postal test series i dont have much idea ..
    @anonymoous I will write abour physics after my mains get over

  44. Hii Sir :)
    I'm an ardent follower of your blog and i happened to see you at the centre at Mount Abu School.. I'm not very confident of my GS paper.. Can you please guide what could be the safe range.. I still have maths to go.. Also if u can provide your marks in last year's mains, that'll give me an idea..

  45. @ mrinalini were in same room?

    anything 250+ in GS will be good for this year i think...and dont worry abt GS paper better focus on Maths and try to give ur best....
    everyone wants to know marks :P ..i got 268 in GS 323 in Pub ad and 330 in physics...essay i think 100or 95 dont remember exactly ..

  46. No sir, one of my friend showed you in break..
    Thanks for sharing info on marks :)

  47. hi gaurav
    i am in final year of b.e in electronics and communication. I want to do IAS. is it possible to prepare for ias with a job in psu or i should join coaching after passing out.i also have a job at TCS.which one would be the best option as you know how much labour is required to prepare for it.kaushlendra mishra

  48. Gaurav Sir,
    How was Physics exam yesterday?
    Another qs - suppose I get low rank in CSE-2011, can I attempt CSE-2012 mains without joining the training? Will my rank and service of CSE 2011 will be valid in CSE - 2012 if I will not get good rank again in 2012. Since you are appearing again, have you joined training program for IPS this year?
    Last qs - Does any candidate rejected for medical reasons usually?

  49. @ kaushalendrs.... its alwayas better to do full time preparation but in case u want to do with job better join psu rather than joining psu u can get leaves easily compared to private sector
    @jahir one gets exemption from foundation course for giving mains but u have to join after giving mains....
    yup candidates do get rejected in case they do not fulfill medical criteria..

  50. Hello Sir,Its great to have such blog.Sir u havn't give your views on FDI retail?

  51. @jaishree Since there is no exam nearby and procees of discussion is still on on FDI , so am just reading and studying about it.

  52. Hello sir...Its one of the best blog...hatsoff bhaya...
    I wanna bcome IPS...Currently I am doing final yr CSE Enginering...
    1.My question is wat r the steps shud i take frm now to pass in fitness test?
    2.I got placed in HCL whether i hav to join in HCL or full time study for civil service? pls reply sir....

  53. hi sakthi
    1) fitness test is not very stringent one can pass it easily
    2) if u can afford its better to do full time study

  54. @ Gaurav sir

    Kindly help me regarding interview preparation..first of all which newspaper to study.right now i m studying hindu and indian express..which news talk shows to refer..and the list continues..sir kindly let me know in detail abt interview preparation n ur experience..

  55. hindu and indian express is enough but the kind of reading required is different, you need to study even political news thoroughly now....discussion on FM gold after the evening news is good need to prepare your complete biodata thoroughly ....a quick revision of optionals .....
    These are the basic things , I will write about interview prep in detail soon

  56. @Gaurav Sir...... i need your advice for the Prelim..what slould be our strategy according to you seeing the concept based questions.basically for polity and science we need to study all the policy taken by Govt...also can we skip ancient and medieval parts of history.

  57. Had i been at ur place i would have skipped medival and ancient history(i used to do this when i was preparing). One need to read policy initiative taken in recent time and policies which are in news...studying all policies may not be possible....regarding science and tech for prelims, i used to depend on knowledge gained in school....
    To tackle concept based question try to use all the knowledge u have about the subject and then eliminate options given

  58. HI Gaurav,
    Plz suggest some good books for CSAT and GS for PT 2012?

  59. Hi Gaurav

    As you have not been able to post any new posts can u please suggest some site or material which we should go through, your blog was really a great help now if u tell me the source it will be a great help.

  60. Can you please suggest me a coaching center that gives better coaching in Physics optional? I am actually looking for a coaching center in Hyderabad for Physics. Pls suggest me a physics coaching centers either in Hyderabad or anywhere else in India. Thanks in advance.

  61. @combined effort i have already given list of reading materila in my blog...and site wise PIB is one useful site ...wikiias is very good but u need to be its member to access it

    @Ajay DIAS by vajpayee sir in jiyasarai delhi is good for physics...dont know abt any good coaching in hyderabad

  62. Hi Priest, Thanks for your quick reply. Can you please post the links where i can see the list of reference books you have posted for Physics. I tried searching the entire blog but couldn't. Thanks.

  63. I have not yet written abt the books of physics...will write is soon on this page only

  64. sir can u suggest me for general study which topic in news paper should read or which should not

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. Sir,
    Is this really true that a person should not hope for getting into civil services if he have secured not so good percentage in graduation?I am asking you this because this is heard commonly among aspirants in West bengal...this thing is haunting me as I have secured justaverage marks ..will be eagerly waiting for your reply...
    Thanking you
    With regards

  68. marks at graduation level does not matter at all

  69. Dear Sir,
    I would be writing upsc 2013.I want to know is coaching really important in present level of intense competition to crack upsc. One more question i would like to ask that if i join coaching should i take optional subjects first or prepare for gs first.
    Thanking you
    with regards

  70. Coaching has its own importance..but its not necessary to attend coaching.....i wil suggest to prepare gs first because upsc may change mains syllabus and may remove optional sunjects from all levels in near future

  71. i am in fyba first yr,want to become ips officer,plz give me some tips, as in what types of book i should read now....plz

  72. To become IPS officer u will need to give UPSC civil services exam . As of now you can start with ncert books of 6th to 12th standard for all subjects , along with daily newspaper and one monthly current affairs magazine.

  73. can I go for ips, after doing LLB.?

  74. Yes you can .... Graduation degree is minimum requirement for this exam

  75. Hi
    thanks you starting the blog :)..i have got selected in cse 2013 and will get IPS and most probably home cadre.It was my second choice- IFS>IPS>IAS..But lately i am hearing very negative things about IFS.Moreover I am perplexed when i see some people in the list leaving 2+ years of seniority to go for IAS.These doubts are hovering in my mind and i am unable to concentrate for next attempt.I will be grateful if you could clear the aforementioned doubts here or on phone(if you dont mind sharing your number).

    thanks in advance :)

  76. See in log run IAS provides better opportunity compared to IPS due better job condition and faster promotion. This happens due to policy errors and unwanted delays at the topmost level of bureaucracy. And at present no one at the top(manned by mostly IAS) wants to resolve these issues.
    As far as IFS is concerned , though the training duration is long , the job condition is at par with IAS and sometime even better. But inside country you wont be having much power compared to what IAS and IPS enjoys.
    Saying all, It all depends your mindset and your own choice of the job.

  77. Thank you for the prompt reply :)

    Power doesnt occupy a top position in my list of things..I will try for IFS one last time just in case i dont get home cadre IPS.Hoping that i am not making a wrong decision(going solely by interest).

    Thanks once again

  78. Hi Gaurav Sir,

    Hope you are doing well!

    Is it possible that we can meet.I look forward to meeting you by the next month.Looking forward to hearing from you.


  79. Sir, how to create website like urs. Means have u paid anything for professional service?....pls guide how to start....

  80. For blogging u dont have to pay anything ,on blogger and other web services u can get free web space. You have to pay if you want to get independent URL address to which you can redirect your blog like i am doing. And its very cheap like 500 rs per year .

  81. Sir, Happy new year

    1 request........i am from haryana but gave civlis mains from mumbai due to extreme winter here, my masi lives there. 3 days back while i was travelling in mumbai local while boarding at some crowdy train somebody stole my new mobile Moto G 2nd. I had not even put the sim in that. I thought after reaching home (haryana) i will get the sim cut from some shop then i will put. So no issue of data security. and no need of contacting service provider to block the sim.

    Sir, i bought it from flipkart so email invoice i found its IMEI no- 353321069940479

    Sir, How can i get my mobile back. where should i file FIR, right now i am at my home place haryana.

    pls there any chance of getting my first smart phone back.

  82. Technically speaking the FIR needs to be file in Mumbai only . But you can file FIR even in haryana which they can transfer to mumbai . But first of all there is tendency to avoid registering FIR on other are ..particularly of other state, and secondly transfer of FIR itself will take time .
    If you have someone in mumbai then get the case registered there , it will be better and fast . By running IMEI there are chances of getting your phone back.

  83. sir am doing 2nd year of my civil engineering i want to become ips officer........can i take up my upsc exams when am in final year or should take it after complition of my engineering and can you pls help me out by naming what kind of books should i can i get prepared for taking exams

    thankyou :)

  84. sir can you pls suggest me any good ips coatching classes in banglore

    thakn you :)

  85. I dont have much Idea about Bangalore coaching.
    Start with current affairs, ncert and daily newspaper reading

  86. Dear Sir,

    I had appeared for Mains in 2012 and thereafter I failed to clear Prelims in 2013(for 1 mark) and 2014.For some personal constraints I couldnot manage to read anything but the newspaper after the results.

    Can I manage it with so less time? I can devote 12 hours daily. can u please suggest an appropriate strategy.

    Should I concentrate on GS and CSAT-2 ,and read optional after Prelims?

    Thank you

  87. Yes you can do it since you already know what to study . Right now you should focus on revision of what already you have read plus current affairs plus practicing CSAT-2. And with hope that you must have atleast once prepared the optional fully, you should now completely focus on prelims exams

  88. hi sir.i am an IFS aspirant. i have choosen civil engineering ans chemistry as my optionals.please guide me how to prepare for GS,ENGLISH and CHEMISTRY.I am currently in delhi so can u please suggest me books and coaching if

  89. I dont have much idea about Chemistry optional..For GS preparation syllabus is almost same as that of IAS so if you prepare accordingly you will easily be able to answer GS question. English is not that tough if you are comfortable with the language .

  90. Sir I will complete my B.Sc in Interior Design which is a distance learning course affiliated to Punjab Technical University. Am I eligible for appearing for IAS Examination. What are the hindrance that I may face while preparing for the same?


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रश्मिरथी ( सप्तम सर्ग ): कर्ण वध - रामधारी सिंह 'दिनकर'

1 निशा बीती, गगन का रूप दमका, किनारे पर किसी का चीर चमका। क्षितिज के पास लाली छा रही है, अतल से कौन ऊपर आ रही है ? संभाले शीश पर आलोक-मंडल दिशाओं में उड़ाती ज्योतिरंचल, किरण में स्निग्ध आतप फेंकती-सी, शिशिर कम्पित द्रुमों को सेंकती-सी, खगों का स्पर्श से कर पंख-मोचन कुसुम के पोंछती हिम-सिक्त लोचन, दिवस की स्वामिनी आई गगन में, उडा कुंकुम, जगा जीवन भुवन में । मगर, नर बुद्धि-मद से चूर होकर, अलग बैठा हुआ है दूर होकर, उषा पोंछे भला फिर आँख कैसे ? करे उन्मुक्त मन की पाँख कैसे ? मनुज विभ्राट् ज्ञानी हो चुका है, कुतुक का उत्स पानी हो चुका है, प्रकृति में कौन वह उत्साह खोजे ? सितारों के हृदय में राह खोजे ? विभा नर को नहीं भरमायगी यह है ? मनस्वी को कहाँ ले जायगी यह ? कभी मिलता नहीं आराम इसको, न छेड़ो, है अनेकों काम इसको । महाभारत मही पर चल रहा है, भुवन का भाग्य रण में जल रहा है। मनुज ललकारता फिरता मनुज को, मनुज ही मारता फिरता मनुज को । पुरुष की बुद्धि गौरव खो चुकी है, सहेली सर्पिणी की हो चुकी है, न छोड़ेगी किसी अपकर्म को वह, निगल ही जायगी सद्धर्म को वह । मरे अभिमन्यु अथवा भीष्म टूटें, पिता के प्राण...

Scheme for creation of National Optical Fiber Network for Broadband connectivity of Panchayats

The Union Cabinet recently approved a scheme for creation of a National Optical Fiber Network (NOFN) for providing Broadband connectivity to Panchayats. The objective of the scheme is to extend the existing optical fiber network which is available up to district / block HQ’s level to the Gram Panchayat level initially by utilizing the Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF). The cost of this initial phase of the NOFN scheme is likely to be about Rs.20,000 crore. A similar amount of investment is likely to be made by the private sector complementing the NOFN infrastructure while providing services to individual users. In economic terms, the benefits from the scheme are expected through additional employment, e-education, e-health, e-agriculture etc. and reduction in migration of rural population to urban areas. As per a study conducted by the World Bank, with every 10% increase in broadband penetration, there is an increase in GDP growth by 1.4%. NOFN will also facilitate implemen...


मुंबई स्थित मलाड स्टेशन के बाहर बैठने वाला एक मोची मेरे लिए पिछले 4 महीनों से कौतूहल का विषय बना हुआ था। 4 माह पूर्व मैंने मलाड स्थित एक कंपनी में नौकरी ज्वाइन की थी, यद्यपि मेरी पिछली नौकरी की तुलना में वेतन यहां कुछ कम था परंतु महत्वपूर्ण बात यह थी कि यह मेरे निवास स्थान बोरीवली से बहुत ही नज़दीक था जिसकी वजह से मुझे सुबह एवं शाम दोनों वक्त स्वयं के लिए समय मिल जाता था। मेरी अन्य आदतों में एक बहुत ही गैर जरूरी आदत यह रही है कि मैं रोज ऑफिस जाने से पहले अपने जूते मोची से पॉलिश करा कर जाता रहा हूं। ऑफिस का वक्त 9:30 बजे प्रारंभ होता था और मैं सामान्यता 9:15 बजे मलाड स्टेशन पर उतर कर अपने जूते पॉलिश कराने के पश्चात 9:25 बजे तक ऑफिस पहुंच जाया करता था। नई नौकरी ज्वाइन किए हुए करीब 1 हफ्ते का वक्त गुजरा होगा मैं रोज की तरह स्टेशन से उतर कर जिस जगह कतार में 5-6 मोची बैठे रहते थे उस और अपने जूते पॉलिश कराने के उद्देश्य से गया। आज मैं समय से थोड़ा पहले निकला था, वक्त करीब 9:00 बज रहे थे मैंने देखा की बाकी सभी मोची व्यस्त थे एवं एक थोड़ा अलग सा दिखने वाला मोची अभी अभी तुरंत ही आया था। उसे ख...

किसको नमन करूँ मैं भारत? - Kisko Naman Karu Mein Bharat?

A poem dedicated to the nation written by Ramdhari Singh "dinkar"... तुझको या तेरे नदीश, गिरि, वन को नमन करूँ, मैं ? मेरे प्यारे देश ! देह या मन को नमन करूँ मैं ? किसको नमन करूँ मैं भारत ? किसको नमन करूँ मैं ? भू के मानचित्र पर अंकित त्रिभुज, यही क्या तू है ? नर के नभश्चरण की दृढ़ कल्पना नहीं क्या तू है ? भेदों का ज्ञाता, निगूढ़ताओं का चिर ज्ञानी है मेरे प्यारे देश ! नहीं तू पत्थर है, पानी है जड़ताओं में छिपे किसी चेतन को नमन करूँ मैं ? भारत नहीं स्थान का वाचक, गुण विशेष नर का है एक देश का नहीं, शील यह भूमंडल भर का है जहाँ कहीं एकता अखंडित, जहाँ प्रेम का स्वर है देश-देश में वहाँ खड़ा भारत जीवित भास्कर है निखिल विश्व को जन्मभूमि-वंदन को नमन करूँ मैं ! खंडित है यह मही शैल से, सरिता से सागर से पर, जब भी दो हाथ निकल मिलते आ द्वीपांतर से तब खाई को पाट शून्य में महामोद मचता है दो द्वीपों के बीच सेतु यह भारत ही रचता है मंगलमय यह महासेतु-बंधन को नमन करूँ मैं ! दो हृदय के तार जहाँ भी जो जन जोड़ रहे हैं मित्र-भाव की ओर विश्व की ...